Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Tentang Hello kitty(About hello kitty)

About the Hello Kitty Website

Hello kittyHere at the Hello Kitty Fun Stuff website you can download loads of fun Hello Kitty stuff for free! You can download free Hello Kitty wallpaper. There are many Hello Kitty wallpapers and also Hello Kitty wallpapers with her friends. The main size of the Hello Kitty wallpapers are 1024 x 768.

There's also a spot where you can download free Hello Kitty screensavers so she can jump around on your computer. You can play free online Hello Kitty flash games like Hello Kitty's Sunny Day Game, Hello Kitty game; Sanrio's Jewels, Hello Kitty game; Bee's in my garden and more! And read more about the Hello Kitty tv show. You can download free Hello Kitty ringtones for your cell phone. On the Hello kitty movies & Video page you can watch online Helo kitty movies.

hello kittyNext to that there are Hello Kitty fonts, Hello Kitty dingbats for your own Hello Kitty creations. A huge collection of Hello Kitty items in the online hello kitty shop.

You will also find Hello Kitty coloring pages, where you can color Hello Kitty and her friends, you can simply download the printable Hello Kitty color pictures you want and print it out. So you can make your very own Hello Kitty coloring book.

There are also lot of Hello Kitty items you can watch and see. Like where to get the best Hello Kitty dvd's, books and games . Or read about your favorite Hello Kitty episode and all Hello Kitty's friends!

Hello Kitty Fun Stuff NEWS:

11- 08-2010
Share us with the world.
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07- 01-2009
There are 50 new Hello Kitty wallpapers to download. A total of 120 Hello Kitty Wallpapers!
Check out Hello Kitty Wallpapers page 1 and Hello Kitty Wallpapers page 2.
05- 03-2008
A whole Episode from the Hello Kitty TV show is now avaible. Hello Kitty - A Story Book Adventure, you can watch the adventure here.

We also made another Hello Kitty Store page with more special Hello Kitty items you can buy to finish your collection.
31- 10-2006
Finally our new hello kitty website is online ! We hope you will enjoy everything on the pages!

Hello Kitty News

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hello kitty pictures  flowersAbout Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty was born on November 1st 1974, in suburban London, England.
Hello Kitty is very energetic and loves to play outdoors, in the park or forest. But you can also find her happily practicing on the piano or baking a cake, too!

Hello Kitty lives in London, England with her mother, Mary, dad, George, and twin sister Mimmy. Hello Kitty is curious whereas Mimmy is shy.

Hello Kitty symbolizes generosity, innocence, kindness and most importantly... friendship

Hello Kitty's friends are Cathy, Tippy, Joey, Jodie, Fifi, Tracy, Tiny Chum, Rory, Mory, Tim and Tommy. Both Hello Kitty and Mimi are in 3rd grade. They have many friends at school and, together, they share many adventures. When school's out Hello Kitty travels the world making new friends.

Hello Kitty's generosity and kindness endear her to everyone she meets. Hello Kitty's favorite thing is do tea parties and her hobbies include music, reading, eating the cookies her mother bakes, and best of all making new friends. Like she says "You can never have too many friends."

Hello Kitty weighs the same as 3 apples.
Tentang Hello kitty
Hello kittyHere di website Fun Stuff Hello Kitty Anda dapat men-download banyak hal menyenangkan Hello Kitty gratis! Anda bisa download gratis wallpaper Hello Kitty. Ada banyak Hello Kitty wallpaper dan juga Hello Kitty wallpaper dengan teman-temannya. Ukuran utama dari wallpaper Hello Kitty adalah 1024 x 768.
Ada juga tempat di mana Anda bisa download gratis screensaver Hello Kitty agar dia bisa melompat-lompat di komputer Anda. Anda dapat bermain online gratis Hello Kitty game flash seperti Sunny Day Permainan Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty permainan; Jewels Sanrio, Hello Kitty permainan; ini Bee di kebun saya dan banyak lagi! Dan membaca lebih lanjut tentang acara tv Hello Kitty. Anda bisa download gratis nada dering Hello Kitty untuk ponsel Anda. Di film Hello Kitty & halaman video Anda dapat menonton film secara online Helo kitty.

halo kittyNext itu ada Hello Kitty font, Hello Kitty untuk dingbats kreasi sendiri Hello Kitty. Sebuah koleksi barang-barang Hello Kitty di toko kucing secara online halo.
Anda juga akan menemukan Hello Kitty halaman mewarnai, di mana Anda dapat warna Hello Kitty dan teman-temannya, Anda hanya dapat men-download Hello Kitty warna gambar cetak yang Anda inginkan dan mencetaknya. Sehingga Anda dapat membuat buku sendiri Hello Kitty mewarnai.
Ada juga banyak item Hello Kitty Anda dapat menonton dan melihat. Seperti mana untuk mendapatkan Hello Kitty terbaik dvd, buku dan permainan. Atau baca tentang episode favorit Hello Kitty dan teman-teman semua Hello Kitty itu! Hello Kitty Fun Stuff BERITA: 11 - 08-2010 Berbagi kita dengan dunia. Share |
07 - 01-2009 Ada 50 baru Hello Kitty wallpaper untuk men-download. Sebanyak 120 Wallpaper Kitty Hello! Lihat halaman Wallpaper Hello Kitty Hello Kitty 1 dan halaman 2 Wallpaper.
05 - 03-2008 Sebuah Episode keseluruhan dari acara TV Hello Kitty sekarang avaible. Hello Kitty - Sebuah Petualangan Buku Cerita, Anda dapat menonton petualangan di sini.
Kami juga membuat halaman lain Kitty Toko Hello dengan lebih khusus Hello Kitty item Anda dapat membeli untuk menyelesaikan koleksi Anda.
31 - 10-2006 Akhirnya website baru hello kitty kami sedang online! Kami berharap Anda akan menikmati semua yang ada di halaman!
Hello Kitty Berita Lihat Lama Hello Kitty berita>> hello kitty flowersAbout gambar Hello Kitty Hello Kitty lahir pada November, 1st 1974 di London pinggiran kota, Inggris. Hello Kitty sangat energik dan suka bermain di luar, di taman atau hutan. Tapi Anda juga dapat menemukannya gembira berlatih di piano atau baking kue, juga!
Hello Kitty tinggal di London, Inggris dengan ibunya, Maria, ayah, George, dan Mimmy saudara kembarnya. Hello Kitty penasaran sedangkan Mimmy pemalu.
Hello Kitty melambangkan kemurahan hati, kepolosan, kebaikan dan yang paling penting ... persahabatan
Halo teman-teman Kitty adalah Cathy, Tippy, Joey, Jodie, Fifi, Tracy, Chum kecil, Rory, Mory, Tim dan Tommy. Kedua Hello Kitty dan Mimi berada di kelas 3. Mereka memiliki banyak teman di sekolah dan, bersama-sama, mereka berbagi banyak petualangan. Ketika sekolah keluar Hello Kitty perjalanan dunia membuat teman baru.
Hello Kitty kemurahan hati dan kebaikan menimbulkan perasaan cinta ke semua orang dia bertemu. Hello Kitty hal favorit adalah melakukan pesta teh dan hobinya meliputi musik, membaca, makan kue ibunya bakes, dan terbaik dari semua teman-teman baru membuat. Seperti dia mengatakan "Anda tidak akan pernah memiliki terlalu banyak teman."
Hello Kitty beratnya sama dengan 3 apel.

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